Chiropractic Wellness Care
Moms understand the value of well care appointments for their young children is in preventing an issue from becoming a problem. The same concept can be applied to chiropractic care. While most visits to Hall Chiropractic are for a specific acute problem, many of our patients appreciate the importance of periodic preventive chiropractic checkups.
The single most important aspect of chiropractic wellness care is to identify imbalances in your body’s movement and posture that can lead to an acute event like a pulled muscle or even a herniated disc. But well care is more far-reaching than that. Like regular trips to the dentist, identifying and averting unnecessary spine, shoulder, knee and other joint stress can help delay or even prevent degenerative arthritis and other physical ailments.
Dr. Hall’s patients are all-familiar with the ‘homework’ he assigns. Often the most important aspect of a well care visit to Hall Chiropractic is a prompt to tweak a certain posture that may lead to headaches or a specific stretch or strengthening exercise to prevent recurring low back pain.
Our preventive visits are as unique as our patients. From marathon runners to shuffling centenarians, Dr. Hall has insight into each patient’s health needs and goals. And as lives are ever-changing, one’s well care may also change. Hall Chiropractic offers resources like massage therapy, orthopedic support and nutrition counseling to address these changes.
While preventive chiropractic care is a benefit, life still happens. We all have minor physical challenges like falling asleep in a chair, lifting a too heavy box, playing one too many games of pickleball or even overdoing the time playing games on the computer. Then there are the not so minor challenges like a fall down the steps, taking a hit in soccer or even a car wreck. Our bodies automatically mount a response to these events. Chiropractic wellness care certainly doesn’t prevent these happenings but affords the body some resilience so that our repair response has a head start.
Hall Chiropractic can help. Call, text or schedule online today for your FREE Health Consultation.
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Chiropractic Care
Back Pain
Sciatica Relief
Car Accident Care