Headaches Affect Nearly Half Of All Adults
The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that headaches have enormous costs to society and are hugely widespread throughout the world. According to the report, 47 percent of all adults have some sort of headache disorder. In the European Union (EU) alone, it’s estimated that 190 million days are lost from work annually, solely due to migraine headaches. One in six women and one in twelve men are affected by migraines making it the most expensive brain disorder in the United States and EU with an estimated total annual cost of $229 billion. Doctors of chiropractic are highly trained to diagnose and treat a number of headache related disorders. In fact, many causes of headaches are soft-tissue based and can be successfully managed with safe, natural chiropractic procedures. If you experience headaches, no matter how severe or subtle, don’t continue to suffer. Call your licensed doctor of chiropractic today for a professional, thorough consultation and/or examination.
Author: ChiroPlanet.com
Source: Reuters. May 3, 2011.
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